A lot of time has passed since our company founder Arnold Menshen went from house to house collecting scrap with his wheelbarrow over 60 years ago. The first employees quickly came on board and two changes of location were needed before the scrapyard could be moved into at Blechhammer; this served as the home of A. Menshen GmbH & Co. KG until the spring of 2014.

Arnold Menshen was able to guide the company in the right direction through great dedication and entrepreneurial vision. In 1977, he invested into the first stationary scrap shear, a pivotal moment at the time. This opened up many new opportunities for the scrapyard, and large scrap is cut into smaller sizes for different and special applications.

Lutz Menshen, the youngest son of the family, came on board in 1989 and took charge of the company as managing director alongside Rolf Aufermann in 1995.

When Rolf Aufermann retired, Dirk Janssen joined the management in 2001.

Steel plant, foundries and metal smelting plants are now supplied throughout Germany and Europe.

Following the purchase of a hall measuring 8,000 m² for the storage and processing of scrap metal in 2006, all operations were moved to the Im Ohl site in spring 2014. Over an area of 70,000 m², we dispose of waste to the highest standards and meet the high demands of all legal requirements.

Our one-man operation is a thing of the past. A. Menshen GmbH & Co. KG has grown into a medium-sized company with approximately 50 employees.

We have made a name for ourselves. A name that stands for tradition, reliability and streamlined operations.

We are looking towards the future.

A. Menshen GmbH & Co. KG
Im Ohl 7
58791 Werdohl

Phone: +49 2392 9296-0